
Wednesday, January 25, 2012

pisces vs scorpio:)

 Venus in Scorpio: The two of you have different Venus signs, but they both are Water signs. This suggests an overall understanding for each other. You sense in each other a similar kind of depth in your approach to relationships, which can be an instant bond in and of itself. You love intuitively and emotionally—you don't use your mind to judge whether a person is good for you or not. You need to feel the connection. The same goes for your Venus in Scorpio partner. Your partner is more focused on an intimate and exclusive bond than you are. You love deeply and with your heart, but your partner might wonder just how exclusive your feelings are towards him or her. Your lover wants to get under your skin, and is not always thrilled to share you with the rest of the world, so when you are expressing your compassion for pretty much everyone that comes into your world, he or she may feel a tad threatened. Your partner needs to understand your love of mankind in general. He or she might worry that you stray too easily—and it's not about you having an affair. It's more a concern that you are too impressionable. Why worry about the rest of the world when you have him or her? That's the kind of attitude you might expect from your partner, and this is probably your relationship's biggest issue. Otherwise, the two of you find much in common. You will appreciate your partner's intensity and depth of feel
Pisces finds its match here and then some. Scorpio will provide a deep, exciting sexual union for Pisces, and gives Pisces valuable emotional support, strength and leadership. Scorplo's jealousy and possessiveness won't bother Pisces-in fact, it makes Pisces feel loved. Pisces's dependency is just what Scorpio is looking for. These two share a special communion, much of it on a sensual, unspoken level. Both have intense feelings, are loyal, intuitive, interested in the mystical and the unusual. An ideal mating.

the day i met u;)

erm 2 ari lps at last dpt jgk jmpa dia..x sngka lak lps dia balik dri kg terus dia text aku nk jmpa..mmg rs happy sgt2 sbb dh 2x bertngguh kn asyik ada halangan je ble nk jmp ngn dia..hurm at first igt mls jgk nk jmpa sbb time tu mmg aku dh mula merajuk dgn dia tp dia ni mcm tau2 je aku merajuk..ble dia text bole plak aku terus reply kn biasa klu aku terasa or sedih disebabkn dia agk lama jgk amik masa utk aku reply balik msj2 dia..tq so much syg dtg  jmpa i lepaskn rindu ini;) tu la kn dpt jmpa setengah jam je kot but its oke i fhm u ada emergency time tu klu x msti u lama ckt temankn i kn syg..pape pn i really apreciate..tau x syg i rs mcm u lain sgt mlm tu tu..more gentlement..n i suka ble u manjakn i mcm tu..romantik jgk u ni kn hehe..i rs bhgia sgt2 kn i suka sgt  ble u dgr je apa i nk ckp..klu iktkn byk lgi i nk bercerita dgn u ye la lama dh kn xde sessi luahan perasaan ni kn hehe dh dpt jmpa ni msti la i nk cerita byk2 kt u;)..childish kn i nk cerita jgk nnti ble kita ada msa utk bersama tu lebih lama..aritu masa terlalu singkat tp i fhm dear..pape pn i sgt hargai kesudian u dtg jmpa i malam tu..i rs sgt bhgia..terasa nk peluk xnk lepas2 lagi..hurm oke jgk kn cadangan u tu klu i kurung u tp tnggu next time la;)i love u syg..always n forever...only u H.A.;P


adanya sy harini coz of them

lovely sibling;)

lovely sibling;)
part of my life