
Monday, January 2, 2012

It doesnt matter what I am

Its so easy to see me as a cute and innocent girl
but you dont know me on the inside
its so easy to wanna control me
to say that I am weak
but you dont know how strong I am
its so easy to say that Im pathetic
that every story I tell is for attention
but you dont even know how I feel
its so easy to say that Im useless
that I stand for nothing
but you dont even know what I can do
maybe Im not that cute, innocent, weak, pathetic and useless !
and it doesnt even matter what I am
cause I would still do everything for the ones I love

special for u perfect guy

Slowly drifting away into your everlasting eyes.
Looking into emerald diamonds that shine so bright.
Your long black eyelashes raise to the blue skies.
The color of love glazes my way into the dark night.

Skin so soft caress my body into an ecstasy.
Silky as satin brushes across my bare face.
Breathtaking as your touch thats like a fantasy.
It comforts me when I feel out of place.

Lips sweet as candy that long to always satisfy.
A bittersweet sugar rush races through my veins.
Tongue tied words that soar my wings to fly.
A soft touch lessens away all my pain.

If only I could describe everything about you.
I'd go on forever because it could never die.
All I know is that I have a love that is true.
Everything about you makes you the perfect guy.

i love u dear:)

syg sgt2 kt u tp i xleh jmpa u smlm..sory sgt2 dear.n ni 1st tie i tolak ajakan u nk jmpa kn..ssh sgt nk gtau i xbleh jmpa u smlm tp nk bwt cmne kn i trpksa buat mcm tu..watever it is i still love u sama aja..hope i dpt jmpa u lain kli..i do miss u so much..take cre tau..

why its so hard(

npe rs sgt ssh nk lupakan dia..few days he never contact me mmg aku sndri pn brhrp dia x cntact aku lg.i tgk post dia kt wall mnta frens give back their fon no tp aku diamkn je.bai je la.klu btl he need my no i prefer he ask me directly..mybe ni jgk cara yg trbaik utk terus lost cntact n lupkan dia..he seems no need me anymore..mybe btl dia x perluakn aku lg dlm hidup dia skg ni..aku elakkn dri aku dri on9 n tgk page dia sbb aku xnk manangis lgi..dh 2 ari aku x nangis even ble pk psl pn dh clup still he is in my mind.mmg ssh nk lupakn seseprg yg dh jdi part of my life...xkn ada sorg pn yg boleh faham n rasa itu semua..saat aku bersama dgn dia mmg ssh aku nk luapak semau tubkn skjap tp almost three dh msuk thn baru but xde mmber apa2 mkna pn bg aku..klu dia jgk mmg berniat nk ignore aku forever seems like aku kne tlg dia lupakn aku dgn cra mcm ni..x cntack x text or x berhubung lngsung..its hurt so much actually but  what can i do..sbg seorg prmpaun sdh lumrah kn segalanya di tgn lelaki :(tp syg i xleh tipu diri i sndri till now i still need u in my life,my love just only for u..n i hope stiap penantian i akn ada endingnya cz i love u so much..kt cni je i bleh lauhkn semua perasaan i pd u:(


adanya sy harini coz of them

lovely sibling;)

lovely sibling;)
part of my life