
Sunday, January 23, 2011

happy bufday angah

happy bufday to u
happy besday to u
happy bufday happy bufday
happy bufday to u.....

happy bufday angah!!!!yeay today is my sista she turn 23 diz yer..dh mkin besar kn..hehe..aku syg sgt2 kt adik aku ni sbb ktorg mmg close..mybe sbb jrk umo x jauh kn 2 thn je wt kn ktorg cm twins even x  seiras n of coz la kn bese adik mst lg cntik dri kakak kn;) yup die ikut mama..putih cm mama gk..aku syg sgt kt adik aku ni..kdg2 we share most of the thing..even aku kakak n dia adik tp die lebih lasak dri aku n bit garang la..die bleh sound laki cmtu je klu die geram tau aku pn x seberani die..kre die ni cam guard aku gk la..erm x lme lg insyaallah pas bis study dia akn brtunang ngn plihan hti die sndri..dh lme dorg brsame kn..x sngka cnta pertama die kekal smpa skg..dia ckup bertuah x mcm aku ni..aku doakn die bhgia smp ble2..even cmne aku syg die sklipn one day ktorg msti brpsh gk kn tp slgli kt dlm dri ktorg mngalir drh yg same2 jauh cmne skli pn trpish ikatan tu ttp ade smp ble2..along doakn angah berjye dlm study.dlm hdup..xmo gdo2 lg sdih2 or tnsion2 taw..miss u a lot sis..happy bufday..may ur day fully blessed..

PaRT oF My LIfe

hye peeps..lme aku x update blog kn..update pn just post2 je tp x cter pape pn same..aku just nk publish pic2 org yg aku syg ye rini..they are part of my life..if dorg xde xtau la pe akn jdi pd my fmly so much..beloved parents noty brothers n sisters n x lupe my late broter hafiz..even dh lme arwh tggalkn kotrg tp die ttp dlm igtn..but pic die xleh nk upload ..tgk kt bwk k..

adik aleeya

adik aleeya

My Page Pet

pYzam Page Pets
FreeFlashToys Page Pets

Friday, January 14, 2011

love both of u..

Thank you Dad

for always being there
for being strong
yet showing you cared.
For being my protector
and setting the rules
for the rides, the money,
and the help with school.
For all the times I was grounded
for my own good
I may not have been happy
but I always understood
that I am lucky
to be one of the few
to have a Dad that loves me
as much as you do.
I love you, Dad

You were there for me
take me to school
to help with my hair
pick out the right shoes
for my first date
and even my prom
for that and much more
Thank you Mom

Friday, January 7, 2011

npe ngn aku ni yew..

npe aku cmni ye bpe arini ni mybe sbb die..aku igt die  x mcm kwn2 aku yg lain tp skg die dh lain sgt bkn cm kwn yg aku knl dlu..die cm nk mengelak je dri aku..on9 pn lngsung die x tgur aku..mmg aku trse..sdih xyh ckp la..knon thn bru xnk nangi2 lg kn tp tgk la bnde kecik cmni pn aku nk amik hti..mmg aku ngaku aku snsitf sgt..npe aku jd cpt trse sgt ngn die skg..ble aku msj die x rply pn aku boleh nangis..pdhal mybe die xde kedit ke ape ke kn..or myb sbb die x pnh anggp aku kwn baik die kot cm aku anggap die or mybe jgk die dh ade kwn bru kn..erm xleh nk slhkn die gk sbb msing2 ade hak nk brkwn kn..lgpn org mcm die aku tau rmai kwn..lgpn die knl aku pn bru lg kn xkn la aku ni pntg bg die kn tp die pntg sgt bg aku..xtau npe aku rs cmtu..even byk kli die wt aku trse ati tnpa die sdar still aku lyn die cm bese tiap kli die cntact aku..pas die dh x mcm dlu lg skg aku rs sunyi mcm dh xde kwn hlg kwn2 yg pnh ade ngn aku dlu..mmg nsib aku kot slalu akn jd cmni tiap kli aku mula rpt ngn seseorg..aku x  mcm die rmai kwn..ble nk kuar ke lepak ke jz pngil je cnfirm dorg dtg kn..sbb die dh mcm jauhkn dri dr aku aku mngaku mmg rs sunyi agt..skg aku nk msj ke call ke or kmen2 die pn aku dh tkut..bkn tkut ape tkt die dh xnk lyn aku lg cm last sape yg nangis sape yg sdih aku jgk kn..skg ni pn aku dh xleh nk cntrol airmata aku i know i need him..he cheer up my life but now i have to let u go mybe forever..myb aku ptt jd aku yg dlu hdup ngn dunia aku sndri...bble perlu mnangis aku akn mnagis sorg2,ble happy aku raikn sorg2 jgk..time2 cmni klu fmly aku ade mst aku xkn ase cm pe yg aku rs skg trlalu one care bot one know wat i need indeed..i mntk maaf klu i dh xleh lyn u cm sblm ni lg..n sory sgt2  give u troubles b4..;(

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

the reality of life

Live a good life. If there are gods and they are just, then they will not care how devout you have been, but will welcome you based on the virtues you have lived by. If there are gods, but unjust, then you should not want to worship them. If there are no gods, then you will be gone, but will have lived a noble life that will live on in the memories of your loved ones. I am not afraid.

Life's challenges are not supposed to paralyze you, they're supposed to help you discover who you are.

all about love;)

True love passes all understandings
True love Expresses loyalty.
True love hurts but can learn how to mend.
True love dreams the highest dreams.True love waits until the stars visit the day

True love seeks good for the other.
True love lends forgiveness.
True love cries but washes away the pains.
True love makes an ignorant boy a mature man.
True love softens the heart of a girl to a nurtured woman.
True love never lies.

True love loves a person until forever.
True love sees love even though the hair is white.
And most of all...TRUE LOVE never breaks promises, until the vow has been done.

Monday, January 3, 2011


To love is a beautiful, mysterious event; do not miss it.

Be neither too cautious nor too absorbed. Too many of

us reason with our hearts and experience with our heads.

It cannot be so. The heart knows no logic beyond need

and desire; the head has no senses except the common

and the pragmatic. Neither, frankly, is useful in love

anyway. Rely on your sixth sense, that little voice within.

There is no preparation for or protection from the joy and

pain of relationships. They are inseparable twins. One follows

another. And make no mistake, love is not gay abandon;

it is to be courageous, to take risks and be disciplined

Saturday, January 1, 2011

happy new year....

yeayy!!!! arini fes day utk new year..arini aku x wtpe pn..pas kua g public bnk terus blik lupe plak singgah dobi jap hntr baju ahahaha..bkn mls tp cuaca x mnentu kn skg hihi..alasan semate2..blik umh je terus bosan xtau nk wtpe..aku lepak2 je kt umh..ptg ckt bru kua g pndan kapital..lapar giler r..bekfes pn x kn n dri smlm mkn bihun tomyam je ngn k.zu kt tesco tu..aku mne knyang mkn bihun sbb dh trbese mkn nsi kn tp dh org banje xkn nk tolak plak kn..hihi..ngadap je laptop smbil on9 tp actually aku x on9 pn bia je lptop on..giler bosan..arini de gk r dpt wish new year from few of my friends..others mybe dorg x pnh igt aku kot..xper la sape la aku ni kn just kwn yg diperlukn ble time ssh je..huhu..ok la cter sal azam thn ni thn ni pn aku xnk kapel gk cm thn lpsn n thn2 sblmnye..hehe..hopefully brjye la aku lksanakn azam aku ni cm thn lps..slain tu aku xnk nangis2 ag...xnk emosi or tacing ngn org lg..btl kte kwn aku adib tu lam msj wish new year kt aku tu no more pain,no more tears,no more fear..definately btl gk pe yg die ckp tu kn..thanks dib..msj u wt i lbh brsmgt ckt thn ni fren..aku hrp sgt tuhan bg aku lbh kekuatan utk hadapi sumer dugaan dlm thn ni..last year aku terase agk down jgk la..dlm bln 4 tu plg teruk aku xper la sumer bnde tu wt aku jd lbh brfkr..lbh positif;)ok peeps nite k..take care all..much2 luv n hugs 4 diz new year..again happy new year..4get the past come to reality..predict 4 the future;)


adanya sy harini coz of them

lovely sibling;)

lovely sibling;)
part of my life